The Pollack Redentore

Hope to write a brief Redentore rundown at some point, as this year, having enjoyed the shorter (but well-choreographed) fireworks from the bacino theatre in barca was a completely different experience. In the meantime, I like these foto malfatte almost more than the decent ones (photographing fireworks are not easy in a bobbing barca, I’ll have you know).

Sort of a Biennale treatment minus the bodily functions, wouldn’t you say?


3 thoughts on “The Pollack Redentore

  1. maitresse

    hey, do they still rope a bunch of gondolas together to form a bridge across the canal on the festa del redentore?

  2. nan

    A temporary bridge (Ponte Votivo) is constructed both for the Redentore and the Salute festivals, over the Giudecca Canal and the Grand Canal, respectively. This is instead of those that were created by lashing a variety of traditional Venetian craft together with platform over them…rarely gondole, I don’t think, however. I’m not sure when the lashing of craft was abandoned for the temporary bridges. Probably about the same time the lagoon was dredged to permit cruise ships to enter and dock in Venice proper…


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