TARIFFS & the VeneziaUnica CITY PASS
The Venice ACTV public transit uses what’s known as the VeneziaUnica smart card system for ticketing and tariffs. No matter what sort of fare you purchase, single or pass, you’ll be issued a smart card that you’ll swipe each time you board, across the meter-like electronic machines perched just outside the landings (if you happen to forget, be sure to let the attendant know). The machine will beep with a green light to let you know you’re legal, or growl with a lower tone and a red light if your it’s invalid or expired.
Worth Noting: When you buy a travel pass, the time will begin counting down from the first time you use it.
ATTENZIONE: You are responsible for having a valid pass or ticket upon boarding. They may be purchased in advance of your arrival or at ticket booths located at principal vaporetto stops (see MAIN STOPS: Fermate Principali). To avoid the possibility of a substantial fine if you board without a valid transit card, tell the attendant immediately and purchase a single ticket on board.
The 60-minute and On-Board single fare is €7,50
- You may change lines, but not reverse direction.
- Includes one normal sized bag per person. Additional bags may incur addional cost.
- Not valid for Alilaguna, Clodia 16, Fusina 19, and Casino lines.
Buying a pass (referred to as a Travel Card) for a predetermined length of time as opposed to an individual ticket will afford you unlimited travel on all ACTV lagoon and land transport (excluding only Alilaguna, Clodia, Fusina and Casino lines). Validity starts from the first time you use the card. Keep your card handy to swipe each time you board, and to show anytime it’s requested. Travel Card fares are as follows:
- 24 hours: €20
- 48 hours: €30
- 72 hours: €40
- 7 days: €60
Purchase tickets and passes in advance VeneziaUnica.com; for groups of students, seniors, and convention participants, see the their website, or call them at +39 041 2424 for details.
Worth Noting: Too many people first purchase a full-fare ticket on arrival to get to their lodging, only to then buy a transit pass in addition to it. It’s almost always more economical to buy the transit pass instead of any full-fare ticket, as it will be good during your entire stay.
ATTENZIONE: Buy it…then use it. It’s natural to say, oh, we’ll just walk; what this usually leads to is walkus-interruptus once you realize you have to retrace your adventurous steps back to your lodging on stone pavement and already-aching feet; or not being adventurous at all to avoid achy feet in the first place. Buy the pass, walk to your heart’s content, then hop the vap when your feet start to complain.
MORE INFO at ACTV: www.actv.it, Moving in Venice.
ATTENZIONE: VeneziaUnica.com offers advance purchase discounts on a variety of services—though unfortunately, no longer on Travel Cards. You may make a VeniceConnected purchase up to four days in advance, and retrieve your pass with the PNR they’ll furnish you from ACTV booths and machines located at city entry points and a variety of stops.
ATTENZIONE: If you’re at least 14 and under 30 years-old, The ROLLING VENICE card is available for €6 and entitles the holder to discounts of all sorts, including the purchase the 72-hour travel pass for €22 instead of €40. Pick it up on arrival in Venice from any HelloVenezia ticket point.
Alilaguna is not part of Venice ACTV public transport, but a private company specializing in transfers to and from the port and airport. Tickets must be purchased separately (discounted in advance, on board with a supplement). Alilaguna service is not affected by public transit strikes. One-way fares run from €8 (airport-Murano, Venice-cruise terminal) to €15 (airport-Lido/Venice/cruise terminal), with discounts for round trip and online purchase:
- Linea BLU: Airport – Murano – F Nove – Lido – S.Marco – Staz. Marittima Port
- Linea ROSSA, red: Airport – Murano – Lido – San Marco – Giudecca – Cruise Terminal (fewer stops). This line is SEASONAL, mid-Apr thru Oct.
- Linea ARANCIO, orange: Airport – Orto – Cannaregio Canal – Grand Canal to Giglio.
FOR MORE INFO: alilaguna.it
Ferrovia and Piazzale Roma are up, Lido is down. To stay oriented, remember that Tronchetto, P.le Roma and the rail station (Ferrovia) are at the top of the Grand Canal, and Lido (and thus San Marco) is heading down the Canal, in the opposite direction.
- Pause before boarding. Let other passengers disembark before attempting to board a water bus.
- Let others pass who may need to board a bus heading in one direction, while you’re waiting for the one heading in the opposite direction to arrive.
- Avanti in cabina: Move forward into the cabin. The outdoor area can become incredibly crowded on main routes, so heed the attendant calls and move forward into the cabin to make room for additional passengers.
- Do not place luggage on the seats. Keep it out of the way, in center stand behind the captains cabin, along external walls, in the space provided in the interior cabin.
- Keep passageways clear. Don’t block the paths to the boarding gates, either from inside the cabin or anywhere else. Even if it’s not your stop, you may even disembark temporarily to let others off, and then re-board. If you hear the word permesso, it means someone behind you needs to get by…now.
- Remove your backpack before you board to keep from inadvertently annihilating nearby passengers.
- Pickpockets. Water buses can become extremely crowded, and thus a target for pickpockets. Make sure all cash and valuables are stored in something that closes or zips; nothing that someone might reach into easily. Keep purses and day packs in front of you or under an arm.
- Offer your seat to any passenger older than you.If you don’t, you may be stared down intently until you realize your thoughtlessness.
- a richiesta – on request
- aeroporto – airport
- alle ore – to the hours of
- arrivo – arrival
- avanti in cabina – keep moving into the cabin
- biglietto – ticket
- corso limitato – limited route
- dalle ore – from the hours of
- direzione – direction
- (si) effettua – is in effect, operates
- farli passare – please let people pass
- feriali – weekdays
- ferma – it stops
- fermata – a boat stop
- giorni feriali – workdays (Mon – Sat)
- imbarco – boarding
- linea – line
- lmmgvsd – mtwtfss
- motoscafo – waterbus
- non ferma – (it) does not stop
- orario – schedule
- ordinario – ordinary (full) fare
- partenza – departure
- passeggero – passenger
- percorso – route
- permesso – permission (to pass)
- pontile – landing
- scendere – get off
- sciopero – strike
- tariffa – fare, tariff
- timbrare – stamp
- valida – valid
» Additional Assistance
- VENEZIA UNICA +39 041 2424 (English spoken)
- To reserve a water or land taxi: +39 199 484 950
- Tourist info: +39 041 529 8711
- Info Disabilities: +39 041 274 8144
- Emergencies: 113, 118
- For strike info, call Venezia Unica, +39 041 2424
Get the indispensable VAP MAP, the print-and-go pocket vaporetto guide available in two paper formats and three print sizes. The Handiest Way to Make Sure You Never Miss the Boat, just $1.95.