Category Archives: Worth Noting

Take a Number: Venice Vaporetti regroup

Lines Stay the Same, Only the Numbers Change (but not all of them).

As of November 2, 2011, ACTV Spa and the City of Venice will implement a new numbering system for vaporetto public transport lines. The changes also include a new landing system that uses numbers, colors and letters which could, should help newcomers find the landing they’re looking for more quickly. Speriamo bene.

The new system does not affect routes and frequencies, just the numbering and organization.

Line changes include:

Line DM direct to Murano becomes Line 3
Lines 41/42 51/52 become 4.1/4.2 and 5.1/5.2 (n.1 runs counterclockwise, n.2 clockwise)
Lines 61/62 become Line 6
Line 5 from San Zaccaria to Murano becomes Line 7
Line T serving Burano-Torcello becomes Line 9
CLODIA Raphael which travels between Chioggia and Venice will be the new LINE 19

Other significant changes relate to the LN (Laguna Nord) which, while keeping the route and frequencies, will be split into 4 sections:

• Line 10 is the direct Lido – S.Marco Giardinetti shuttle (navetta)
• Line 12 serves F.Nove – Burano – Treporti – Punta Sabbioni
• Line 14 connects S.Zaccaria Pietà – Lido – Punta Sabbioni, while
• 14L (limited) serves Punta Sabbioni-Lido

Finally, there is a new Line 22 which serves Punta Sabbioni – F.te Nove – Tre Archi which has been a special line will now become a regualar one.

Easy as A-B-C

At larger piers like Piazzale Roma, the railway station, Rialto area, Fondamente Nove, San Zaccaria, and more, you’ll notice that the landings will also be identified with a capital letter placed on the entrance of the pier. This letter will also appear on the maps along the ACTV quais, and will associate the vaporetto lines with the landings that  serve them. The letters will also appear on the LED signage indicating departures and times.


With any luck and a little patience, this new system should benefit both locals and travelers, who normally have little time to get up to speed on vaporetto usage.

For more information, see the ACTV site (in Italian).

(By the way: the Vap Map has already been updated with the new lines and routes. Be sure to get yours before your arrival in Venice!)

Orsoni is firm: Santa Margherita Shuts Down with the Midnight Marangona

This sprawling campo with numerous late-night locales creates an ideal environment for students and other can meet and hang out. The only problem is — given that stone and water surfaces carry and amplify even the most subdued conversation — anyone within earshot can’t get a lick of sleep.

What’s a mayor to do? Guest contributor and journalist Gioia Tiozzo of reports.

Venice, August 10 – It’s decided, at least for now. In Campo Santa Margherita and San Pantalon, bars, restaurants, pizzerias and gelaterie will lower their saracinesche [rolling metal storefront gates] and send everyone a casa. It’s a bold — if risky — new move to find a solution to managing the nightlight in the only campo In Venice where masses of youth congregate every evening [especially in summer]. The order will remain in force for the next two months, then reevaluated. Mayor Orsoni has left for the holidays, and the merchants, who certainly will not stand silent and watch, are left holding the bag. 

The issues at stake are not insignificant. 29 enterprises — as many types of activities are affected by the order — will be left to deal with a substantial loss of revenue and possible redundancy. If kitchens have to close at 11pm, some cooks and servers could also be left at home.

Certainly the mayor had to do something. According to the findings of ARPAV, the noise level in Campo Santa Margherita at that hour is equal to that of an industrial area. It’s easy to understand the [ongoing] irritation of [the campo’s] residents, who need to sleep at a reasonable hour. Hence the drastic decision.

“That’s the way you kill a town” say business owners, who yesterday morning gathered at Ca ‘Farsetti to get the May0r’s attention. They want more dialogue and a discussion board to seek an alternative solution together.

The problem, in fact, according to operators, it is not up to the opening night of the premises, rather the lack of control over activity such as shouting, bongo playing, etc. They would have never come up with such a drastic solution; a better one would be to wet the floor at night (as is done in other Italian cities), thus discouraging groups from sitting on the wet ground chattering away into the wee hours.

Joy Tiozzo

Read Italian? See the original post here.

Rialto Fish Market non se ne va (not going anywhere)

“The Tronchetto fish market will not be moved” affirms Venice Mayor Giorgio Orsoni

It’s as official as it gets around here. According to the press release, neither the wholesale fish market at Tronchetto nor the Rialto Fish Market are in any danger of disappearing:

“‘The Tronchetto [wholesale] fish market will not be moved.’ That was the affirmation Venice Mayor Orsoni at the press conference yesterday. Orsoni stressed to journalists the position of the Administration on sustaining the fish market’s location, seeking to officially calm the fears of Rialto fish vendors:

‘The Rialto Fish Market was never at any risk, and its vendors, with whom I met about 10 days ago, can sleep well. The historic Rialto market is a Venetian patrimony, and any decision must be made with its care in mind. The hypothetical transfer of Tronchetto to Fusina was only that – from the beginning – proposed only to evaluate the feasibility.

During the last few weeks, qualified assessors along with vendors have taken a close look at the situation at the Tronchetto wholesale market: the structure itself is in sore need modernization and, with this goal in mind, a number of restructuring projects will be devised that will be able to satisfy everyone’s needs.'”

The fear was that if the wholesale market was moved from Tronchetto to Fusina, the logistics would make getting fresh fish to the Rialto Market would be impossible. For locals, if the fish isn’t fresh, it’s not worth eating. Having something so precious at stake in a city where residents already feel they have no say in decisions of this type, had rumors flying — let’s hope the actions to renovate the Trochetto market are the end of this discorso.


“Il mercato ittico del Tronchetto non sarà spostato”. È quanto ha affermato oggi nel corso di una conferenza stampa il sindaco di Venezia Giorgio Orsoni. Il sindaco ha sottolineato agli operatori dell’informazione l’interesse dell’Amministrazione verso il mantenimento del mercato del pesce al Tronchetto tranquillizzando così gli operatori dell’ittico di Rialto:

“Il mercato di Rialto non ha mai corso alcun rischio e i suoi operatori, che ho incontrato una decina di giorni fa, possono dormire sonni tranquilli. Lo storico mercato rialtino è un patrimonio per la città e qualsiasi decisione deve essere presa in ragione della sua tutela. L’ipotesi di un trasferimento del mercato ittico dal Tronchetto a Fusina era tutta da vagliare e da approfondire e come tale è sempre stata considerata sin dall’inizio.

In queste settimane gli assessori competenti hanno affrontato un percorso con gli operatori dell’ingrosso: le strutture del Tronchetto – ha aggiunto il sindaco – hanno necessità di essere ammodernate e, in questo senso, approfondiremo alcuni progetti di ristrutturazione che possano soddisfare le esigenze di tutti.”


The Closing of the Rialto Fish Market? Sign the petition to Just Say No.

Relocation of the Tronchetto Wholesale Market to Fusina Announced

The Loss of the Pescheria Rialto Fish Market Appalls Fisherman, Locals, Travelers

Below you’ll find an article that Google and I translated from the original in La Nuova Venezia. I’ve added some comments for clarification, and although I’ve done some nosing around, I don’t feel like I have enough info to feel completely informed. I hate to jump to conclusions, but just in case it might help…please SIGN the PETITION to let the powers that be know that even though you may not live in the city, the Rialto Fish Market is important to you. (The petition is in Italian, but fairly straightforward — see additional instructions at the end of the article.)

The longer I live here, the more I am convinced that this fish is some of the sweetest and freshest to be found anywhere. Moving the wholesale market to Fusina would certainly increase the cost of fish (already high) and for fishermen make the logistics of transport to the central market at the Rialto impractical and cost prohibitive. Keep in mind that the fish you find at the Rialto (and at other markets in the city) are more often that not, still alive, because they’ve just been delivered fresh from the catch. How many other fish markets can make this claim?

If you have an opinion, please register it by signing the petition, at least. Tell all the cruise passengers you know, too — it’s the Port that’s organizing this move. What a shame.


From the original article published in La Nuova Venezia (Alberto Vitucci), with additional comments and clarifications:

VENICE. The Rialto is at risk of losing one of its most famous symbols: the Pescheria, or fish market.

This could be the eventual outcome of the announced transfer of the wholesale market from Tronchetto to Fusina, the former Alumix areas. Located away from the “living” lagoon, it’s practically inaccessible to fishermen and traders in Venice.

[Note: Fusina is over 3.5 miles SW of Tronchetto, the current location of the Venice wholesale fish market, just beyond Piazzale Roma. The new location would be build on land, not located on the lagoon. It’s an industrial area inappropriate for fishing.]

And it’s more than a hypothesis, given that Port Authority’s drawings and plans for the new land structure are already being passed around among experts. The operators of the Fish Market, fifteen companies that supply fresh fish for retail throughout the city, are preparing for battle.

“We’ve requested an urgente meeting with the Mayor Giorgio Orsoni,” they say, “we’ll explain that the transfer of the wholesale market will decree the death of the Pescheria and the Rialto Market.”

The project is entering its operational phase. For some time the Port Authority, owner of the area where there wholesale market stands, has reclaimed possession. The parking area in front of the market is to become a roundabout at the exit from the Marittima cruise port. And the area now occupied by the fish market will be transformed into new facilities for large cruise ships, given the proximity of the docks.

It’s a project that risks being “devastating” for the city and in particular for the fish market at the Pescheria [which has existed at the Rialto — the center of all economic activity and commercial life of the Venetian Republic from its inception, before the year 1000.], say the fisherman.

For retailers to reach the city center from Fusina would be impossible and impractical. The reason is the distance of Fusina from the city, the lagoon, and the market itself. The lagoon fisherman [many from Burano, for example, at the opposite end of the lagoon, 10 miles or 16 km from the new wholesale market] will hardly be able get the fish across the lagoon to Fusina, then back to the Pescheria in the city’s center in time for retail sale — especially in inclement weather, in winter, in open boats, facing a bora or garbin wind. Today they go directly by boat from Tronchetto to Rialto. To transport fish from Fusina would demand both truck and boat — too much time and cost prohibitive.

The first consequence of the relocation would be the increase of fish from abroad and even frozen [abhored by locals, as it immediately reduces the quality for which Venice is famous] and reduction of the native species available from the lagoon.

Finally Fusina, located in an industrial zone, is not an ideal place for trade in fish, an activity that had taken place for centuries in the lagoon waters and Rialto.

Perhaps more convenient for Padova, the new location of the wholesale market would be prohibitive for the Venetian locals, and would represent yet another productive activity evicted from the lagoon through the work of a public institution (the Port).

In addition to the operators of Rialto, however, many citizens and even travelers who love Venice and its wonderful traditions. intend to give battle to avoid the death of a tradition and the closure of the Pescheria, says everyone.



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Automated Ticketing replaces booths at selected Vap stops

Purchase vaporetto tickets and retrieve Venice Connected discount passes 24/7


Automatic ticketing machines that allow purchase of vaporetto tickets, topping up of credit on iMob cards, and retrieval of Venice Connected discount transit passes with the requisite PNR have been present until now at the main entrances to the city, including the train station and Piazzale Roma. Since January 1st, however, four new machines have replaced the manned booths at each of the vaporetto stops below:

  • Ca d’Oro
  • San Tomà
  • Zattere
  • Arsenale

These automatic machines have touch screens, speak a number of languages, and accept cash, credit or debit card payments, making them much more convenient than long-lined manned booths. The machines’ placement throughout the city is added convenience if you arrive by water taxi or the private Alilaguna, and would prefer to retrieve your pass a day later, for example. Whereas until now you were constrained to retrieve your pass at main entrances (airport, Ferrovia, Piazzale Roma) during certain hours, now you can reserve your pass pickup for the day of your choice and pick it up at the nearest ticket machine any time you like. The same goes for regular ticket or pass purchase as well.

Of course, this also means we have even less of an excuse to board without a valid ticket. *sigh*

(Do remember that you must pick up your transport pass on the first day it will be active.)