Tag Archives: violin

Free concert, Chiesa di San Trovaso, Tues, May 26

It’s free, in a handy location, and just the ticket for a late spring, pre-dinner concert:

Music from the 15th to the 17th century for organ and violin performed by

  • Elisabetta Ganiatsos, organ (Gaetano Callido,1765), and
  • Silvia Rinaldi, Baroque violin


They’ll perform selections by Giovanni Gabrieli, Michelangelo Rossi, Frescobaldi, Marini, Pasquini, Zipoli, Corelli, Vivaldi, & Galuppi.

  • Tuesday, May 26, 6 p.m.
  • Chiesa di San Trovaso
  • Dorsoduro, Rio di San Trovaso
  • Free entrance
  • Vaporetto: Accademia, Zattere

The Chiesa di San Trovaso is the church with the two identical entrances, said to originate from theh demands of two rival factions, the Castellani and the Nicolotti. (Perhaps you recognize these names from Bella’s depiction of their battle at the Ponte dei Pugni at the Querini Stampalia?) Inside you’ll find works by both Jacopo and Domenico Tintoretto along with Palma il Giovane.

Be sure and stop in at either the Chioschetto on the Zattere or the Al Bottegon – Già Schiavi (just across and down the rio) for a sunny aperitivo before the concert.

Buona Serata!