Tag Archives: marriage to the sea

Program, Festa della Sensa, 2009

Below is the official program for the Festa della Sensa, Venezia, 2009. The sposalizio del mare, or marriage to the sea, will be held on Lido in front of the Church of San Nicolo. See the original program here, or download the pdf in English and Italian.

This year, it will be an all-female crew rowing the Serenissima with the mayor, assessore, and other officials aboard. It’s quite an honor; let’s hope the heat is not too intense (it is predicted to be). Fortunately, we’ll not have to be in costume, so that should provide some relief.

Marriage to the sea…I do wish they’d take their vows a bit more seriously. In the meantime, it should be quite the celebration.


SATURDAY, May 23rd

Venezia, Palazzo Ducale Presentation, Festa della Sensa 2009

  • The affirmation of the Adriatic alliance: la Provincia di Bergamo, i Comuni della Gera d’Adda, i Comuni e le Comunità Montane della Val Seriana e della Val Brembana
  • Awarding of the ‘Osella d’Oro,’ Sensa 2009
  • Corteo ducale procession in Piazza San Marco

14.00-19.00 Lido di Venezia, Chiostro di S. Nicolò, Mercatino della Sensa

SUNDAY, May 24th

9.30-19.00 Mercatino della Sensa, Lido di Venezia, Chiostro di S. Nicolò

Gathering of galleys and craft in the Bacino di San Marco

Departure of the Corteo for S. Nicolò, Lido

(Free navetta from the Alilaguna doc (ex Giardinetti Reali), returns from Lido at 12:45)

The Ceremony of the Marriage to the Sea in front of the Chiesa di San Nicolò on Lido

Departure from the Bacino, Youth Regata in pupparini

Departure  from the Bacino, Regata della Sensa in gondole with 4 oars
Route: Bacino di San Marco – Riviera San Nicolò

Mass, Church of San Nicolò, Lido

Award ceremony, regate

Festa al Forte di Sant’Andrea, concert by Lagunaria at 14.30

(free navetta round trip from San Nicolò, operating dalle 12.00 alle 18.30)

Lido, Church of S. Nicolò
Spiritual concert, venetian music from the 1600s