Tag Archives: Internet

Venice WiFi makes Venice Connected, davvero.

mappavewifi.jpg If you’re a resident, it’s free; but as a traveler you can still book city-wide wireless access via VeniceConnected.com, seven or more days in advance of your travel, for quite a reasonable fee.

Venice is extraordinarily proud of this avant-garde offering, which was inaugurated with appropriate fanfare last Friday, July 3. Although not available from every nook and calle, and it’s not designed to reach you inside your lodging, the coverage is  still quite extensive: you’ll be able to access the network “VeniceConnected.com” from principal campi such as the Frari, Campo San Margherita, Santo Stefano and many more, along with popular areas such as the Rialto, certainly the Piazza San Marco, all along the Grand Canal from Piazzale Roma to the Punto della Dogana. There’s access along the Riva down to Sant’Elena; even Giudecca has coverage. If you find an area where you can’t hook up, you won’t have to go far to find one where you can.

Book in Advance

The wireless service is only available through VeniceConnected.com, and may be booked seven or more days in advance of your arrival.

You’ll book your Wi-Fi service (along with any others your require) for the days you plan to be in the city. Your userID and password will be e-mailed to you three days prior to your pickup/arrival date. Once in Venice and in an area with wireless service, just attempt to access the network from your smartphone or notebook. The login screen that will pop up automatically, you’ll enter the userID and password that was e-mailed to you, and off you’ll go.

The fees for the wireless access service in Venice are:

  • €5 one day
  • €8 two days (48 hours)
  • €15 one week

All durations are from the date of your scheduled arrival/pickup, specified when you booked your service.


Should you lose or misplace any written record of your ID and password, you are requested notify Venice Connected immediately either by calling +39 041 2424, or writing info@veniceconnected.com.

You may only book the Venice WiFi service through VeniceConnected.com (up to seven days in advance).

VeniceConnected makes no guarantee of bandwidth, and there are other disclaimers on the information page, which you find here (although it seems to be in need of updating).

Click on the map above (supplied by the Comune) to check coverage…although it could be a bit more distinct.

Venice Wi-Fi Coverage…

Just received a communication from the press office about the conference held at the Palazzo Labia this morning, outlining just how this whole Wi-Fi thing is going to work. I couldn’t attend, but should be receiving subsequent releases with more details. In the meantime, here’s the map of the projected coverage. Looks like the Grand Canal, major thoroughfares and all principal campi including the Piazza.

I expect that visitors who want to connect will be able to request wireless through veniceconnected.com where they’ll receive a PNR that they’ll then enter when they attempt access. But I will wait for the next release which should Explain It All For Us.


Lots of questions remain, but…this could be quite a coup should they pull it off.

More to come!