Combining Carnevale with Cruise Ship Protest: only in Venice

The bitter bora has moved on, so several hundred locals and passersby enjoyed bright sun and vin brulé as they affirmed their continuing opposition to the size and number of massive cruise ships that come and go via the Venice lagoon. joined group Fuori le Maxi Navi dal Bacino San Marco (Big Ships Out of San Marco Bay) and Comitato No Grandi Navi to organize the event; there was vin brulé, a papier mâché Campanile and riotously-colored boat, plenty of costumes, stilt walkers, and music; there were sign up sheets to gather support and lots info on why everyone’s so mad. Afterward the group formed a procession to San Marco, drawing the attention of everyone they passed along the way. You can make a point and be entertaining at the same time, right? Here, you better…

Out, Out, Big Ships – Venice Carnevale Cruise Ship protest Images by Nan McElroy

6 thoughts on “Combining Carnevale with Cruise Ship Protest: only in Venice

  1. CheezyK

    I can’t tell you how glad I was to read that there was a possibility of the big ships being banned! My husband and I could not believe it when we saw them going past us through the lagoon last year. I’m not sure of the logistics of it all but as far as I could tell the ships can get in and out of that port without going through the lagoon can’t they, they just choose to take the ‘scenic’ route don’t they?

  2. Addicted2Italy

    Yes, the photos are great. I also agree with CheezyK with the big ships being banned. Venice was made for gondolas, and boats that were around 1000 years ago, not the big cruise ships that we have today.

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