“The Tronchetto fish market will not be moved” affirms Venice Mayor Giorgio Orsoni
It’s as official as it gets around here. According to the press release, neither the wholesale fish market at Tronchetto nor the Rialto Fish Market are in any danger of disappearing:
“‘The Tronchetto [wholesale] fish market will not be moved.’ That was the affirmation Venice Mayor Orsoni at the press conference yesterday. Orsoni stressed to journalists the position of the Administration on sustaining the fish market’s location, seeking to officially calm the fears of Rialto fish vendors:
‘The Rialto Fish Market was never at any risk, and its vendors, with whom I met about 10 days ago, can sleep well. The historic Rialto market is a Venetian patrimony, and any decision must be made with its care in mind. The hypothetical transfer of Tronchetto to Fusina was only that – from the beginning – proposed only to evaluate the feasibility.
During the last few weeks, qualified assessors along with vendors have taken a close look at the situation at the Tronchetto wholesale market: the structure itself is in sore need modernization and, with this goal in mind, a number of restructuring projects will be devised that will be able to satisfy everyone’s needs.'”
The fear was that if the wholesale market was moved from Tronchetto to Fusina, the logistics would make getting fresh fish to the Rialto Market would be impossible. For locals, if the fish isn’t fresh, it’s not worth eating. Having something so precious at stake in a city where residents already feel they have no say in decisions of this type, had rumors flying — let’s hope the actions to renovate the Trochetto market are the end of this discorso.
“Il mercato ittico del Tronchetto non sarà spostato”. È quanto ha affermato oggi nel corso di una conferenza stampa il sindaco di Venezia Giorgio Orsoni. Il sindaco ha sottolineato agli operatori dell’informazione l’interesse dell’Amministrazione verso il mantenimento del mercato del pesce al Tronchetto tranquillizzando così gli operatori dell’ittico di Rialto:
“Il mercato di Rialto non ha mai corso alcun rischio e i suoi operatori, che ho incontrato una decina di giorni fa, possono dormire sonni tranquilli. Lo storico mercato rialtino è un patrimonio per la città e qualsiasi decisione deve essere presa in ragione della sua tutela. L’ipotesi di un trasferimento del mercato ittico dal Tronchetto a Fusina era tutta da vagliare e da approfondire e come tale è sempre stata considerata sin dall’inizio.
In queste settimane gli assessori competenti hanno affrontato un percorso con gli operatori dell’ingrosso: le strutture del Tronchetto – ha aggiunto il sindaco – hanno necessità di essere ammodernate e, in questo senso, approfondiremo alcuni progetti di ristrutturazione che possano soddisfare le esigenze di tutti.”
Whew! Great news. Now I don’t have to sharpen my claws:)
That is indeed a good news for fish lovers like me:)