The Comune estimated that there were over 110,000 visitors a Venezia for the Festa della Rendentore, most of them no doubt expecting to swelter in the oppressive heat that’s turned the city into sauna in recent weeks. A temporale, or intense storm, was predicted for about 11 p.m., just a half-hour before the half-hour long fireworks display was to begin; as disruptive as it would have been, if it in the end had provided any heat-relief I don’t think anyone would have complained.
It turned out to be nothing of the sort. As we were hanging the last of the vibrant lampioni (decorative lanterns) on our battela in Canal Grande, a not terribly ominous layer of cloud cover swirled overhead, providing a welcome shield from the afternoon sun. When it moved on — we could breathe again. Oxygen. Dryer air. Fewer gradi. Ready for the Redentore.
After a particularly taxing trip navigating the Grand Canal among boats of every shape and size, each filled to the brim with revelers, we rounded the Punta della Dogana and moored in the space reserved only for craft arriving by oar. Behind us, strewn along the fondamenta of the recently-renovated Punta della Dogana, a private dinner party with live music (American pop standards) was already in full swing. There will be many other nights like this, and I’ll be standing here with someone new…
After lots of food, traditional and otherwise, and even more chatting and general reveling, in our own boat and among the others surrounding us, it was finally time for the big show…sans temporale, fortunately.
(You can find larger versions of these photos on the Facebook page gallery.)
Hello! I’ve just seen these wonderful pictures and I would like to ask you if I can use a few of them in our blog (with credits of course).
Sure, Stefania, thanks. Just sent you an e-mail with info.
Beutiful pictures Nan, I love the way they are presented in your blog, I have never seen such a nice and intuitive of showing them.
Small critic here, don’t take me wrong, I miss the view of the Redentore day from a local Venetian point of view.
Keep up this enjoyable and interesting Blog!
Jon, Bilbao Spain.
C’era un volta…
Fireworks look awesome.
Thank you for sharing.
This year they set up the platforms in a cross formation, so no matter whether you watched them from our perspective at the Dogana, or from along the Giudecca or the Votive bridge, you got the full effect. They seems always to outdo themselves…bravi, bravi…
Thanks Nan,
I’ve pinched two of them. The post should be online tomorrow. Have a look and let me know if you like it!
Grazie ancora!