These fat white flakes turned to slush almost immediately, and by Friday will be distant memory, hopefully. In the meantime, we’ll huddle up with a nice bowl of zuppa di lenticchie (lentil soup), pasta e fagioli, polenta con ragù, or, heck, polenta with anything…
Did I mention, it’s March? March?
I love Venice when it snows!!! I have been to Venice at least 10 times and I was fortunate to be there when it snowed only once. It was at night, quiet and the snow crunched when I walked—I loved it. It did not last—but the kids had enough time to build a snowman in Piazza San Marco.
Some photos from the snow storm:
Nice photos, Marisa. When were you in Venice when it snowed for you?
Those photos were taken in February, 2005. The last time I was in Venice (Feb. 2008), it did not snow. it was actually warmer then usual.
Can’t wait to come back!!!
Keep warm Nan. These images remind me of the book I teach in 7th grade, The Thief Lord, by Cornelia Funke. It takes place in Venice in the winter and there is snow.
I didn’t know about the Thief Lord, it sounds enchanting. Do the kids like it?
Oh goodness Nan, what a long winter you’ve had. Early snow in December and now late snow in mid-March. Hoping for a soon to arrive and benign spring for you all.
Must’ve been the “last blast,” I *think* I can truly say that spring has arrived.
E ben venga! And Welcome!
Venice is different in all the seasons and can also be beautiful with the white fluffy/slushy stuff. Sort of washes down the city I’ve always thought. A cleansing of sorts and then comes the return to life, the spring in the eternal circle of life.
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