We watched as the ships’ masts were revitalized this summer, but now, look what they were being prepared for. Sundays only, I believe, but splendid, no? Venezia di una volta (OK, with other than the EU and Italian flags, but you get my point). Should even be more impressive once the current Basilica and Piazza construction is compete.
I rushed past a store in the center where you can pick up a Venetian flag with appropriate streamers, up the Mercerie across from Cartier and Luisa Spagnoli, for €30. However, a friend reminds me that the best place is Nicolaj, “the sporting goods/boating store at the corner of Fondamenta delle Erbe and Calle delle Erbe, between Campo Santa Marina and Campo SS. Giovanni e Paolo; they always have beautiful flags outside. It’s one of my favorite angles in the city and I have spent many an hour waiting to capture the waving flags as they opened and flew in the wind!”
Nicolaj (with the j pronounced as an i, BTW)
Nicolaj N. & C. Bandiere, Salvagenti, Copertoni Impermeabili
Calle delle Erbe
Cannaregio 6103
041 522 3844
OK, I think we’re covered in the flag department!
We bought a flag this past spring and it now flies in our backyard in Toronto. I found them all over but bought ours from a hardware store between Campo San Barnarba and San Margherita in Dorsoduro. They are the “real” ones that one sees flying all over on boats and flag poles etc. I think there were three different sizes with the medium being about 25 Euros.
Nan and Tom,
Thanks for the info….it’ll be my first Venetian purchase this year!!
OK, after a reminder note from a friend, I’ve updated the post with a favorite flag resource.