If you're here, and you can, GO.

190_zm985nabucco_med.jpgI won’t even bother attempting some schmaltzy, paltry pseudo review, all I’ll say is that I had the good fortune to attend una prova generale of Nabucco at the Fenice. And even with enough students attending to give the theatre the definite air of a high school assembly, and the director having to pause to tell the kids to please settle down or they’d have to call the whole thing off, the performance from start to finish was riveting, strepetosa, simply beyond words.

Even viewing the opera from the rafters, should that be the only ticket you can get your hands on, would still be well worth attending. I infortunately have no ticket-acquisition secrets, but you might consider showing up a hour before a matinee, for example, to see if any seats have been released.

But go. If you have the chance, go. Here’s the official Fenice website.

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