My current apartment has been tended to as little as possible since the early 60s, perhaps; the new one has been renovated with care, because it was the owner’s home. Boldù has a spectacular view over the marina; the new one a lovely cortile with lots of plants (that will be tended by the proprietor’s father regularly, beato me). The last is on the third (read, forth,) floor and 72 steps, the new one, piano terra, rialzata naturalmente. The one I’m leaving had a kitchen jammed in the corner (but a massive fireplace that I used as a pantry); I’m moving to a new kitchen, with a normal oven, cabinets high and low, a double-sink, and a bar that opens to the salotto, where you can chat or give guests sous-chef tasks ask you cook. The Boldù bath had a tiny shower with curtain that had a tendency to attach itself to you with the slightest air movement, along with the world’s smallest clothes washer and instructions in German; the shower in my new home has a semi-circular glass enclosure in a spanking-new tiled bath….and the lavatrice is hidden away in the shed outside. The new place has air conditioning, so I’ll have to sell the mobile unit I purchased to keep from roasting to death when the sun bolted in at precisely 3p each day until it set at 8p, 9p…or later. Soffocante.
The new location is ideal, just off Fondamenta Ormesini…10 minutes from the Remiera Cannaregio, and in an area with lots of stores for finding whatever you need.
Best of all, there’s a cat named Spritz, who pays regular visit to everyone in the condomimium, in the calle, along the Fondamenta. From what I can observe, it would seem that everyone he visits offers him a treat of some sort, o di più. I’m a cat person, and having to leave mine behind when I moved here was just awful. To have a cicone stop by on a regular basis knowing he’s not your full responsibility was the last sign I needed to feel totalmente a casa.
I asked the new proprietor (holding my breath), Say, a proposito, you’re not planning to need your apartment again in a year, are you? She assured me no, she would not, she has just purchased a house in Mestre in order to be able to take care of her mother from now on.
I’d just like the next move to be my idea, that’s all.
Nan…Sounds wonderful!!
It must be a relief….when do you move in??
NOW. Took the first load over today, next tomorrow, and praying I hear from Fastweb so that my Internet and phone go with me on Thursday. If not…I’ll just take the opportunity to get the haircut I’ve been meaning to for the last two months!
I’m glad to read that you’ve found a new place that sounds so lovely!
Congratualtions! A beautiful apartment, a decent shower and a visiting cat – how lucky can a girl be?
Hello Nan! I’ve been vicariously following your ‘travels’ amoung the sei sestieri di venezia…or perhaps just the one, Canneregio, since I left, head hung low last June.
I’m coming back this Oct. I’ll look forward to potentially catching up to you!
Glad to hear your housing dramas sorted themselves out lovely-like 🙂
Continue being well…
First I enjoyed your blog very much,stayed up all night following it. You have done something I have always wanted to do. Live abroad for little while. Sydney, Austraila and of course Venice, Italy. The visa-was this for a year out of the country or for only 6 months where you have to return to your own country and then re-enter again.
First, the visa, then, the permesso di soggiorno. (The leaving and coming back from another country doesn’t work anymore, it’s a cumulative number of days you’re allowed to stay.). Very complicated, but worth it if it’s what you want.
They gave me two years permesso di soggiorno, I’ll have to renew in February. Mercy, I hope they give me two more. because I’m not leaving till they throw me out.
For the best site on what it takes to set up house in Italy, see Siena resident Cristina Fassio’s Expats In Italy
“Till they throw me out”, yeah, Nan, that’s what I expected to hear from you 😉 I’m happy you found a place nicer than the one you had before. I hope the move was not too hard on you! See you soon 😉
Hi Nan,
I’ve been reading your blog for quite a while now. I was hoping to visit Venice for the first time, at the end of November this year, but alas, that is not to be. I’ll keep reading and appreciating your thoughts on living in Venice, in the hope that I might one day make it to this historic city, that you enliven so well.
Thanks, Nan, for making Venice a place to be as opposed to Venice aa a place to merely visit or to dream about.
I want to be there and I will. Your thoughts make my wish even more.
Indeed a very nice location. How about some photos?
Ora che sei a posto con il nuovo appartamento potresti fare una scappata in Toscana.
Cacciari ti dovrebbe dare una medaglia al merito per aver mostrato una Venezia inedita alla maggior parte di coloro che sognano questa citta’.
Ti aspetto!
Parli tu a Cacciari, va bene?
Una scappata si può fare anche A Venezia da Toscana, vero?
A presto…in qualche modo però!
Really enjoy reading your blog- hope to start my own soon. We move to Venice in September- any tips on finding somewhere to live? I have noted it is not always easy to find good places!! Thanks , Sue.