Mountains aren’t a sight we normally associate with Venice. They’re there though, and a friend zipped up to ski among them on Sunday, as do so many this time of year. Che vita.
Although still illuminated for the holidays, Venezia è una tomba — completely shut down except for the main thoroughfares around San Marco, the Rialto, and Strada Nova, for example). Now’s the time to close for maintenance and renovation, or just go in ferie — grabbing a little R&R before the season cranks up again, beginning with Carnevale in late February. Except for the post office, banks, and retail establishments (where everything’s on sale! Yay!), I wouldn’t think of stopping by a business without checking first; anything privately-owned will be iffy at best (the American who has the squero, the guy who cuts my hair, caspita, and even the gallery where poor Andrea’s photographs are hanging unattended is closed till the 17th – sono in montagne, they’re in the mountains). But then the Cantina itself won’t re-open ’til the next Tuesday either…
I have a host of deadlines looming, lots to tell and no time! More soon, though, e nel frattempo, in the meantime…
Buon Anno a tutti voi.
One comment…the San Marco photo is from last year…I liked the decorations better than the ones up now.
See how I am?
The color of the water and lighting on the building is absolutely GORGEOUS, like looking out the window during best light.